
Thursday, October 6, 2011


北京發生溜車意外致3名香港遊客死亡 北京市政府新聞辦6日傍晚證實,在北京市昌平區南口鎮某商城院內,一輛旅遊大客車溜車將3名遊客撞傷致死。記者獲悉,死亡遊客為香港居民。 北京市公安局通報:10月6日13時30分,昌平警方接群眾報警稱,平區南口鎮某商城院內,一輛大客車因溜車將3名遊客撞傷。 ... 北京發生溜車意外致3名香港遊客死亡

Bari in cinque municipi Accorpati i quartieri-bene

Bari in cinque municipi Accorpati i quartieri-bene BARI - Meno spese, più efficienza. Sono questi gli ambiziosi effetti che la rivoluzione del decentramento dovrebbe produrre in città. Ieri infatti la commissione tecnica ha definitivamente licenziato la proposta di istituire cinque municipi fornendo a ... Bari in cinque municipi Accorpati i quartieri-bene

[JK포토]정지훈 “영화 '비상: 태양

[JK포토]정지훈 [재경일보 민보경 기자] 영화 '비상:태양가까이' 제작보고회가 7일 부산광역시 해운대구 우동 센텀시티 신세계백화점 문화홀에서 열렸다. 이날 제작보고회에 MC 맡은 방송인 김미화를 비롯해 주연배우 정지훈, 신세경, 김성수, 이하나, 정석원, 유준상이 참석했다. ... [JK포토]정지훈 "영화 '비상: 태양

Defence challenges Jackson crime scene investigation

Defence challenges Jackson crime scene investigation By ALEX DOBUZINSKIS, Reuters October 7, 2011 12:00 AM An attorney for Michael Jackson's in-house doctor challenged a crime scene investigator on Thursday and suggested she conducted a shoddy examination of the bedroom where the Thriller singer stopped ... Defence challenges Jackson crime scene investigation


希腊国营和私营员工总罢工抗议新紧缩措施 新华网雅典10月5日电(记者刘咏秋 陈占杰)希腊国营和私营部门员工5日举行24小时总罢工,抗议政府为解决债务危机推出的新紧缩措施。这是今年秋天以来的第一次总罢工。 参加罢工的包括地方政府、税务机关、公立医院、学校 ... 希腊国营和私营员工总罢工抗议新紧缩措施


〔台湾货币市场〕一年期存单均标料在0.97-1%,央行每月标售有助稳定利率 路透台北10月7日电---台湾央行将于周五午间标售364天期存单.受访的过半数交易员认为,由于央行9月底确定暂停升息,本次标售存单的加权平均得标利率将略低于上次的0.995%,区间将落在0.97-1%. 不过也有不少交易员认 ... 〔台湾货币市场〕一年期存单均标料在0.97-1%,央行每月标售有助稳定利率

Webcam mais alta do mundo leva imagens do Everest para o planeta

Webcam mais alta do mundo leva imagens do Everest para o planeta A webcam mais alta do mundo foi instalada no Himalaia, transmitindo imagens em tempo real do Monte Everest para cientistas que estudam os efeitos das mudanças climáticas no ponto mais alto do mundo. A câmera, que funciona com energia solar, ... Webcam mais alta do mundo leva imagens do Everest para o planeta

Lucía Méndez regresa a telenovela

Lucía Méndez regresa a telenovela Luego de permanecer varios días hospitalizada debido a un cuadro de peritonitis, la actriz Lucía Méndez se reincorpora a la telenovela "Esperanza del corazón", bajo el consentimiento de sus doctores que, si bien le aseguraron no existe riesgo alguno, ... Lucía Méndez regresa a telenovela

Keane knows Republic need ruthless touch

Keane knows Republic need ruthless touch By Daniel McDonnell Republic of Ireland skipper Robbie Keane is convinced there is another twist to come as the Euro 2012 qualifying campaign reaches the point of no return. Ireland head into tonight's Group B clash with minnows Andorra knowing a ... Keane knows Republic need ruthless touch

奥巴马回应人民币汇率法案 担心不符国际条约

奥巴马回应人民币汇率法案 担心不符国际条约 中新社华盛顿10月6日电(记者 吴庆才)美国总统奥巴马6日对参议院正在推动的一项涉及人民币汇率的法案持保留态度,并称此举可能因不符合国际条约和义务而徒具象征意义,并且很可能得不到世贸组织的支持。 奥巴马当天 ... 奥巴马回应人民币汇率法案 担心不符国际条约

脱险工人没走 徒手挖沙救工友

脱险工人没走 徒手挖沙救工友 "奔涌而出沙石毫无征兆,且悄无声息,瞬间将我们困住。" "倒地之后,沙石还在继续冲击,我整个人蜷缩在沙里,好像'活埋'一般。" "慌乱中,大家仍然互救。4人逃脱,2名工友被困。" "逃脱的4名工友,用手挖了30分钟,救出了一名 ... 脱险工人没走 徒手挖沙救工友

'Real Steel' director: Hugh Jackman a warm spot amid the metal

'Real Steel' director: Hugh Jackman a warm spot amid the metal One of the biggest challenges Hugh Jackman faced while filming "Real Steel" was putting aside his good nature to portray someone who behaves despicably, the film's director Shawn Levy said at an early IMAX screening. "Truly, in any profession or ... 'Real Steel' director: Hugh Jackman a warm spot amid the metal

Futuro de Apple está asegurado pese a muerte de Jobs, según analistas

Futuro de Apple está asegurado pese a muerte de Jobs, según analistas Apple perdió su estrella con Steve Jobs, artesano de su éxito espectacular, pero la mayor parte de los analistas estima que la cultura que ha creado y el avance tomado por el grupo bajo su batuta sobrevivirán a su muerte. Por Germain Moyon. ... Futuro de Apple está asegurado pese a muerte de Jobs, según analistas

Игорь Струтинский: «Участие Колобнева в Олимпиаде по-прежнему чисто теоретическое»

Игорь Струтинский: «Участие Колобнева в Олимпиаде по-прежнему чисто теоретическое» Спортивный директор Федерации велоспорта России (ФВСР) Игорь Струтинский заявил, что возможность выступления велогонщика «Катюши» Александра Колобнева на Олимпийских играх-2012 в Лондоне, несмотря на отмену 45-го правила Олимпийской хартии, по-прежнему ... Игорь Струтинский: «Участие Колобнева в Олимпиаде по-прежнему чисто теоретическое»

Jobs had better instincts: Apple co-founder Wozniak

Jobs had better instincts: Apple co-founder Wozniak Steve Wozniak, who started Apple in a Silicon Valley garage with Steve Jobs in 1976, said he'll miss his fellow co-founder "as much as everyone." "We've lost something we won't get back," he said in an interview with The Associated Press following ... Jobs had better instincts: Apple co-founder Wozniak

No hay reportes iniciales de daños por sismo 6,2 en Argentina

No hay reportes iniciales de daños por sismo 6,2 en Argentina Autoridades y policías dijeron que no han tenido reportes inmediatos de daños luego del sismo de magnitud 6,2 que sacudió el norte de Argentina el jueves. BUENOS AIRES.- Autoridades y policías dijeron que no han tenido reportes inmediatos de daños ... No hay reportes iniciales de daños por sismo 6,2 en Argentina

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